Getting kids out of the classroom and into nature has never been easier than at Hostility Creek. Don't let the name scare you, paintball is all about teamwork and bonding! 

Paintball out in the bush gives players the incentive to explore with great awareness of their surroundings. Furthermore, teachers can join in too, a paintball shot by a child hits just as hard as from an adult. 


Paintball is unique in the way it caters for both a timid player and someone needing to get out there and release a large amount of bundled up excitement (you know who we are talking about).
When we take your group onto our fields they will get split into teams that battle for field dominance, the players that are confident from the beginning will race ahead whilst our novice players will stay back in the confident confines of their base eventually meeting the other team as they begin to storm the base, the excitement has built for this one chance. As the opponents storm the base our defenders will get to shoot back at them: maybe they will get shot, maybe they will win - but regardless of the outcome they have gone through a battle and come out with either a greater sense of confidence in their abilities or realised that after all the tension leading to that point it wasn't that bad, and they were able to participate in the game.
After the first game you will find these more timid players more actively involved and enjoying the outside environment. The tension has been released and they will start to plan and strategise with their other team members and run to make sure their team wins.

Building team work and communication

Paintball naturally produces micro and macro team environments. The tension of the game means that players stick together and talk through little scenarios, even those that don't have natural communication with their peers will find themselves in an environment with an abundance of working with each other in a passive sense.
We will also use a variety of game types to develop different play styles and scenarios to work with your groups strengths best.